Wednesday, October 04, 2006

CaseLogistix - A Company With the Right Attitude

By Ross Kodner on Litigation Tech

I had the great pleasure to host Marty Mills, COO of CaseLogistix, a Nashville-based publisher of a highly innovative product that I am calling an LCMS (Litigation Content Management System). From my perspective, I would position CaseLogistix as the next generation of lit tech / pre-trial case organization systems above and beyond what Summation and Concordance offer. What strikes me as being most unique about this .NET-based Outlook-visual-metaphorical system is that what it really is is an incredibly potent and intuitive document/content management system that any company, in any industry could leverage. But in the legal world, the obvious application, and the way the product is marketed, is an alternative to the two market mindshare leaders. But I think CaseLogistix is a better product in many respects. More to come as I think more about what I just saw, but here’s my bet - CaseLogistix will quietly build a fanatically loyal following who begin to see that pigeonholing the application as “just” a lit support app is too limiting - it’s really knowledge management for the masses.

Special kudos to the company for their personal approach. I wanted to learn more about the program so COO Marty Mills flew up for a couple of days to show me. Sure, I’m not your ordinary consumer. But still, how many companies would bother today? How many have actually come to me, rather than me having to go to them? Not only was I impressed with the gesture and the willingness to really help me understand the product and how my clients can benefit from it, but Marty is just about the nicest fellow you can imagine.

A self-professed beer connoisieur, a hobby in which I dabble from time to time, we invited Marty over to Casa Kodner for dinner with the family. S/O Toby Simpkins, kidlets Jordan (Kodner1.html), Hayley (Kodner2.html) and Toby’s pal, marketing exec Kirsten Stimmel in town for a Miller Brewing gig, dined on an All-Wisconsin feast. We grilled Johnsonville brats (slathered with brown mustard and Frank’s Kraut of course - suitable even for a Lambeau tailgating extravaganza), roasted corn, Toby’s fresh cabbage cole slaw, Wisconsin aged sharp cheddar, cheese curds, Mozarella whips and then followed by fresh Wisconsin tart cherry pie. All washed down with a Wisconsin microbrew roster including Leinie’s Sunset Wheat, New Glarus Brewing’s Spotted Cow, and I think someone grabbed a Sprecher Hefe Weizen. A wonderful time was had by all.

So my recommendation is this - watch CaseLogistix - they’re going to make a bigger splash than they already have. And if you try even one case a year, this product is now officially on my “must have” list.

Note: Read more from Ross at

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